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Controllable inversion and focusing behaviors of Swallowtail-Gaussian beams in fractional Schrödinger equations

HUANG Hong-wei,CHENG Ke,YANG Ceng-hao,YAO Na

黄宏伟, 程科, 杨嶒浩, 姚纳. 分数薛定谔方程中燕尾高斯光束的可控反转与聚焦特性[J]. , 2024, 17(2): 481-492. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0018
引用本文: 黄宏伟, 程科, 杨嶒浩, 姚纳. 分数薛定谔方程中燕尾高斯光束的可控反转与聚焦特性[J]. , 2024, 17(2): 481-492.doi:10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0018
HUANG Hong-wei, CHENG Ke, YANG Ceng-hao, YAO Na. Controllable inversion and focusing behaviors of Swallowtail-Gaussian beams in fractional Schrödinger equations[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(2): 481-492. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0018
Citation: HUANG Hong-wei, CHENG Ke, YANG Ceng-hao, YAO Na. Controllable inversion and focusing behaviors of Swallowtail-Gaussian beams in fractional Schrödinger equations[J].Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(2): 481-492.doi:10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0018


  • 中图分类号:O437.5

Controllable inversion and focusing behaviors of Swallowtail-Gaussian beams in fractional Schrödinger equations

Funds:Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province, China (No. 2023NSFSC0049)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    HUANG Hong-wei (1998—), male, born in Changshou, Chongqing City. M.E, College of Optoelectronic Engineering, Chengdu University of Information Technology. His research interests focus on the propagation of catastrophe beams. E-mail:985919155@qq.com

    CHENG Ke (1979—), male, born in Jianli, Hubei province. Ph.D., Professor, College of Optoelectronic Engineering, Chengdu University of Information Technology. His research interests focus on the propagation and control of High-Power Lasers. E-mail:ck@cuit.edu.cn

    Corresponding author:ck@cuit.edu.cn
  • 摘要:


  • Figure 1.Group delay and intensity split of one-dimensional Swallowtail-Gaussian beam without potentials for different Lévy indexes ofα=1, 1.4, 1.8, and 2. White dotted lines: the evolutions of the main lobe

    Figure 2.(Color online) Intensity and spectral distributions of SG beams with a linear potential for different Lévy indexesαand linear potential coefficientsa.

    Figure 3.Peak intensities and their positions of SG beams with a linear potential for different Lévy indexesαand linear potential coefficientsaduring propagation. (a)a= 8, (b)a= 4, (c) the peak intensity (Max) of the longitudinal coordinate in transmission varies with the change of the Lévy indexesα(a= −4, +4, −8, +8)

    Figure 4.Intensity evolution of the SG beams with parabolic potential for different Lévy indexes and parabolic potential coefficients. White solid lines in (j)−(l): evolution trajectories of main lobes; Red and white dotted circles: inversion and focus positions of main lobes

    Figure 5.(a) Peak intensities of SG beams for different parabolic potential coefficients during propagation; (b) peak intensity in reversal positions versus parabolic potentials

    Figure 6.The evolution dynamics of SG beams for different Gaussian potentials and Lévy indexes. (a)−(c):α=1,w0=1; (d)−(f):α=1,x0=20; (g)−(i):x0=20,w0=1

    Figure 7.The evolution dynamics of SG beams in a larger Gaussian potential width ofw0=10 for different Lévy indexes (x0=20)

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