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High-sensitivity surface plasmon resonance sensor based on the ten-fold eccentric core quasi-D-shaped photonic quasi-crystal fiber coated with indium tin oxide

LIU Qiang,JIANG Yu,HU Chun-jie,LU Wen-shu,SUN Yu-dan,LIU Chao,LV Jing-wei,ZHAO Jin,TAI Sheng-nan,YI Zao,CHU Paul K

刘强, 蒋宇, 胡春杰, 卢文姝, 孙宇丹, 刘超, 吕靖薇, 赵锦, 邰胜男, 易早, PaulK Chu. 基于氧化铟锡的十重偏芯D型光子准晶光纤的高灵敏度表面等离子体共振传感器[J]. , 2022, 15(1): 101-110. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2021-0006
引用本文: 刘强, 蒋宇, 胡春杰, 卢文姝, 孙宇丹, 刘超, 吕靖薇, 赵锦, 邰胜男, 易早, PaulK Chu. 基于氧化铟锡的十重偏芯D型光子准晶光纤的高灵敏度表面等离子体共振传感器[J]. , 2022, 15(1): 101-110.doi:10.37188/CO.EN.2021-0006
LIU Qiang, JIANG Yu, HU Chun-jie, LU Wen-shu, SUN Yu-dan, LIU Chao, LV Jing-wei, ZHAO Jin, TAI Sheng-nan, YI Zao, CHU Paul K. High-sensitivity surface plasmon resonance sensor based on the ten-fold eccentric core quasi-D-shaped photonic quasi-crystal fiber coated with indium tin oxide[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(1): 101-110. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2021-0006
Citation: LIU Qiang, JIANG Yu, HU Chun-jie, LU Wen-shu, SUN Yu-dan, LIU Chao, LV Jing-wei, ZHAO Jin, TAI Sheng-nan, YI Zao, CHU Paul K. High-sensitivity surface plasmon resonance sensor based on the ten-fold eccentric core quasi-D-shaped photonic quasi-crystal fiber coated with indium tin oxide[J].Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(1): 101-110.doi:10.37188/CO.EN.2021-0006


  • 中图分类号:O433

High-sensitivity surface plasmon resonance sensor based on the ten-fold eccentric core quasi-D-shaped photonic quasi-crystal fiber coated with indium tin oxide

Funds:Supported by Heilongjiang Provincial talent project (No. ts26180221); Youth Science Foundation of Northeast Petroleum University (No. 2019QNL-17); Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province (No. E2017010); the City University of Hong Kong Strategic Research Grant (SRG) (No. 7005105, No. 7005265); Scientific Research Fund of Sichuan Province Science and Technology Department (No. 2020YJ0137); Local Universities Reformation and Development Personnel Training Supporting Project from Central Authorities (No. 140119001)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    Liu Qiang (1980—), Male, born in Tailai, Heilongjiang, Ph.D, Professor, graduated from Harbin Engineering University in 2012, and is mainly engaged in optical fiber sensing technology. E-mail:nepulq@126.com

    Liu Chao (1978—), Male, born in Mulan, Heilongjiang, Ph.D, Professor, doctoral supervisor, graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2008, and is mainly engaged in micro-structured optical devices. E-mail: msm-liu@126.com

    Corresponding author:msm-liu@126.com
  • 摘要:设计并分析了一种高灵敏度表面等离子体共振(SPR)传感器,该传感器由偏芯D型结构的十重光子准晶光纤(PQF)组成,并局部涂覆氧化铟锡(ITO)。偏芯D型结构可以使液体分析更加方便,增强了纤芯模与SPP模之间的耦合,提高了传感灵敏度。采用有限元法对传感器的特性进行研究。结果表明,传感器的波长灵敏度随折射率(RIs)的增大而增大,最大波长灵敏度和分辨率分别为60000 nm/RIU和1.67×10 −6RIU。该传感器性能优良,在液体折射率测量方面具有很大的应用潜力。

  • Figure 1.Schematic diagram of PQF-SPR sensor

    Figure 2.Loss spectra of the core modes and dispersion relation between theY-polarized core mode and SPP mode for a liquid analyte RI of 1.39

    Figure 3.Mode field diagrams for the analyte RI of 1.39. (a)Y-polarized core mode and (b)Y-polarized SPP mode

    Figure 4.(a) Loss spectra as the analyte RIs vary from 1.35 to 1.4; (b) the resonance wavelength and the wavelength sensitivity versus the refractive index of the analyte; (c) amplitude sensitivity curves of the sensor for analyte RIs between 1.35 and 1.395

    Figure 5.(a) Loss spectra of the samples with different ITO thicknesses and (b) wavelength sensitivity varying with ITO thickness

    Figure 6.(a) Loss spectra for different ITO lengths for refractive indexes of 1.395 and 1.4; (b) resonance wavelength varying with ITO length

    Figure 7.(a), (b) Loss spectra for different air hole spacing and analyte refractive indices of 1.395 and 1.4; (c) peak loss and resonant wavelength for differentΛwhenna=1.395 andna=1.4

    Figure 8.(a) Loss spectra for different air hole diametersd1asna= 1.4; (b) loss spectra ford1= 2.4 μm and 2.6 μm; (c)the effect ofd2on the loss spectra forna=1.395 and 1.4

    Table 1.Sensing performance of the sensor for different analyte RIs

    Analyte RI Peak wavelength
    Res. peak shift
    Wavelength sensitivity
    Amp. sens.
    resolution (RIU)
    resolution (RIU)
    1.35 1760 30 6000 102.424 1.67×10−5 9.76×10−5
    1.355 1790 30 6000 110.834 1.37×10−5 9.02×10−5
    1.36 1820 40 8000 127.385 1.25×10−5 7.85×10−5
    1.365 1860 50 10000 143.603 1.00×10−5 6.96×10−5
    1.37 1910 50 10000 168.544 1.00×10−5 5.93×10−5
    1.375 1960 60 12000 200.191 8.33×10−6 5.41×10−5
    1.38 2020 80 16000 248.501 6.25×10−6 4.02×10−5
    1.385 2100 100 20000 329.573 5.00×10−6 3.03×10−5
    1.39 2200 150 30000 516.343 3.33×10−6 1.93×10−5
    1.395 2350 300 60000 594.241 1.67×10−6 1.68×10−5
    1.4 2650 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
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    Table 2.Comparison of the performance of the sensor in this paper and those proposed in the recent literatures

    Refs. Structure RI Range Operation wave. range (nm) Wave. res. (RIU) Max. wave. sens. (nm/RIU)
    [19] D-shaped ITO-coated PQF 1.26~1.38 1380~2260 2.86×10−6RIU 35000 nm/RIU
    [21] D-shaped ITO-coated PCF 1.22~1.33 1200~2250 6.67×10−6RIU 15000 nm/RIU
    [39] Double groove with Ag and Au 1.22~1.36 1470~2154 8.68×10−6RIU 12400 nm/RIU
    [34] Eccentric core ITO-coated PQF 1.33~1.39 1480~2008 4.739×10−6RIU 21000 nm/RIU
    [42] Dual core ITO, graphene-coated 1.37~1.40 1570~1980 15000 nm/RIU
    [41] Arc groove PCF-SPR 1.22~1.37 1650~2730 1.96×10−6RIU 51000 nm/RIU
    [40] Graphene D-shaped PCF-SPR 1.33~1.38 1880~2140 9.35×10−6RIU 10694 nm/RIU
    This work D-shaped eccentric core PQF 1.35~1.40 1760~2650 1.67×10−6RIU 60000 nm/RIU
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