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大功率半导体 合束进展


王立军, 彭航宇, 张俊. 大功率半导体 合束进展[J]. , 2015, 8(4): 517-534. doi: 10.3788/CO.20150804.0517
引用本文: 王立军, 彭航宇, 张俊. 大功率半导体 合束进展[J]. , 2015, 8(4): 517-534.doi:10.3788/CO.20150804.0517
WANG Li-jun, PENG Hang-yu, ZHANG Jun. Advance on high power diode laser coupling[J]. Chinese Optics, 2015, 8(4): 517-534. doi: 10.3788/CO.20150804.0517
Citation: WANG Li-jun, PENG Hang-yu, ZHANG Jun. Advance on high power diode laser coupling[J].Chinese Optics, 2015, 8(4): 517-534.doi:10.3788/CO.20150804.0517

大功率半导体 合束进展


    王立军(1946—),男,吉林舒兰人,中国科学院院士,博士生导师,主要从事大功率半导体 器及应用方面的研究。E-mail:wanglj@ciomp.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号:TN248.4

Advance on high power diode laser coupling

  • 摘要:经过近30年的发展,半导体 器已由信息器件逐步发展成为能量器件,特别是大功率高光束质量半导体 器,已从泵浦光源过渡成为直接作用光源,并部分应用在加工及国防领域。本文介绍了大功率半导体 单元发展现状,分析讨论了各种 合束技术及相应的合束光源,介绍了长春光机所在 合束方面所做的部分工作,提出了我国半导体 产业建设及发展的几点建议,并对半导体 技术的发展新动向进行了展望。随着单元亮度的提升和合束技术的成熟,大功率半导体 源作为间接光源和直接作用光源将在国防和工业领域大放异彩。

  • 图 1半导体 器件基本结构

    Figure 1.Basic structures of diode lasers

    图 2条宽90~100μm、波长9xxnm的半导体 单管功率研究进展

    Figure 2.Research advance on 9xxnm single emitters with the width of 90~100μm

    图 3半导体 厘米线阵输出功率研究进展

    Figure 3.Research advance on laser bars with the width of 10 mm

    图 4 合束分类结构图

    Figure 4.Classification map of laser coupling

    图 5常规半导体 合束光源技术构成图

    Figure 5.Technology structure of TBC sources

    图 6光束整形

    Figure 6.Beam shaping

    图 7(a)偏振合束及(b)粗波长合束示意图

    Figure 7.Sketch of (a)polarization multiplexing and (b)coarse wavelength multiplexing

    图 8808和880 nm波长合束所用二向分色镜的透射率曲线

    Figure 8.Transmission curves of a dichroic len for coupling 808 nm and 880 nm

    图 9VBG外腔反馈实现光谱控制原理图

    Figure 9.Spectral controlling principle diagram by VBG external cavity feedback

    图 10德国Directphotonics实现间隔4nm的5波长合束光谱分布

    Figure 10.Spectral distribution of 5 wavelengths with the interval of 4 nm from Germany Directphotonics

    图 11(a)反射VBG和(b)透射VBG的波长合束方式

    Figure 11.Wavelength multiplexing of reflection VBG(a) and transmission VBG(b)

    图 12RTHW采用的合束VBG和波长窄化VBG光谱分布

    Figure 12.Spectral distribution of multiplexing VBGs and spectrum-narrowed VBGs from Germany RWHM

    图 13光谱合束的基本原理

    Figure 13.Principle of spectral beam combining

    图 14(a)内置不同周期的光栅调节 波长(b)光谱合束输出(c)间隔2 nm的输出光谱

    Figure 14.(a)Wavelength modulation by internal grating; (b)spectral beam combining; (c)spectral distribution of six single emitters with the wavelength interval of 2 nm

    图 15λ-chirped VBG结合面光栅实现光谱合束

    Figure 15.SBC byλ-chirped VBGs and a diffractive grating

    图 16面光栅结合外腔反馈式光谱合束结构示意图

    Figure 16.SBC by a diffractive grating with external-cavity feedback

    图 17各种类型 器功率与光束质量分布图及应用要求

    Figure 17.Map of power vs. beam quality from various types of lasers and demands on the materials processing

    图 18(a)半导体 源进行金属薄板切割;(b)和(c)为切割样品

    Figure 18.(a)Direct diode laser sources for metal sheet cutting; (b) and (c)samples of laser cutting

    图 19(a)半导体 源进行不锈钢无焊料焊接图;(b)不锈钢焊接样品;(c)半导体 源

    Figure 19.(a)Direct diode laser sources for stainless steel welding without any solders; (b)samples of laser welding; (c)diode laser source

    图 20(a)万瓦级半导体 源 熔覆图;(b) 熔覆样品

    Figure 20.(a)Direct diode laser sources with ten thousands watts for laser cladding; (b)samples of laser cladding

    图 21基于透射光栅的外腔反馈光谱合束结构(a)及光谱输出结果(b)

    Figure 21.SBC structure of external cavity feedback based on transmission grating(a) and output spectrum(b)

    图 2257个 单元光谱合束结构

    Figure 22.SBC structure of 57 single emitters

    图 23引入成像光学后的输出光谱

    Figure 23.Output spectrum of the SBC structure with the image optics

    图 24经过系列环境测试后的光谱合束光源结构

    Figure 24.SBC laser source after environmental testing

  • [1]















































































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