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张毅, 张学军, 李锐钢, 李英杰. 具有公自转运动模式的高效轮式抛光工具设计[J]. , 2016, 9(1): 155-166. doi: 10.3788/CO.20160901.0155
引用本文: 张毅, 张学军, 李锐钢, 李英杰. 具有公自转运动模式的高效轮式抛光工具设计[J]. , 2016, 9(1): 155-166.doi:10.3788/CO.20160901.0155
ZHANG Yi, ZHANG Xue-jun, LI Rui-gang, LI Ying-jie. Design of an high-efficiency wheeled polishing tool combined with co-rotation and self-rotation movement[J]. Chinese Optics, 2016, 9(1): 155-166. doi: 10.3788/CO.20160901.0155
Citation: ZHANG Yi, ZHANG Xue-jun, LI Rui-gang, LI Ying-jie. Design of an high-efficiency wheeled polishing tool combined with co-rotation and self-rotation movement[J].Chinese Optics, 2016, 9(1): 155-166.doi:10.3788/CO.20160901.0155





  • 中图分类号:TB133

Design of an high-efficiency wheeled polishing tool combined with co-rotation and self-rotation movement

  • 摘要:为了提高光学加工效率,缩短大口径光学元件制造周期,本文提出了一种具有公自转运动模式的新型高效抛光方式,对其结构、工作原理以及去除特性进行了研究。首先,介绍了公自转抛光装置机械结构及工作原理。接着,根据Hertz接触理论和Preston方程进行了去除函数建模,讨论了不同转速比情况下的去除函数形状。然后,根据理论模型进行了去除函数实验、工艺参数实验以及稳定性实验,研究了压入深度、转速等工艺参数对去除结果的影响。最后,进行了200 mm口径SiC工件的仿真加工。实验结果表明:在2 mm压入深度、200 rpm转速情况下,去除区域直径为19.23 mm,体去除率达到0.197 mm 3/min,去除效率高于同等去除区域大小的传统小磨头加工方式;仿真加工结果表明:SiC仿真镜经过3.7 h加工,面形从3.008 λPV,0.553 λRMS提高到0.065 λPV,0.005 λRMS,收敛效率为达到98.18%。

  • 图 1使用球形磨头抛光磨具内表面

    Figure 1.Inner surface polishing of abrasive tool with spherical head

    图 2MCG 150研磨机

    Figure 2.MCG 150 CNC

    图 3公自转轮式抛光装置结构简图

    Figure 3.Structure sketch of the co-rotation and self-rotation wheeled polishing device

    图 4公自转轮式抛光装置机械结构

    Figure 4.Mechanical structure of the co-rotation and self-rotation wheeled polishing device

    图 5抛光磨头实物图

    Figure 5.Photograph of the polishing head

    图 6轮式磨头接触区域简图

    Figure 6.Principle sketch of the polishing head′s contact area

    图 7接触区域归一化压力分布

    Figure 7.Normalized pressure distribution in the contact region

    图 8公自转轮式磨头运动分析

    Figure 8.Analysis of the polishing head′s movement

    图 9磨头接触区域速度分布

    Figure 9.Velocity distribution in the contact region of polishing head

    图 10不同转速比情况下的去除函数形状比较

    Figure 10.Comparison of the removal function under different rotational speed ratio

    图 11工艺实验装置结构简图

    Figure 11.Principle sketch of the experimental device

    图 12去除函数实验图

    Figure 12.Photograph of the removal function experiment

    图 13SiC加工后去除区域面形

    Figure 13.Removal region surface shape of SiC after polishing

    图 14归一化去除函数实验值与理论值比较

    Figure 14.Comparison between experimental value and theoretical value of normalized removal function

    图 15压入深度对去除区域大小的影响

    Figure 15.Influence of the pressure depth on diameter of the removal area

    图 16抛光速度对体积去除率的影响

    Figure 16.Influence of polishing speed on volume removal rate

    图 17压入深度对体积去除率的影响

    Figure 17.Influence of pressure depth on volume removal rate

    图 18压入深度与自转速度对体积去除率的影响

    Figure 18.Influence of polishing speed and pressure depth on volume removal rate

    图 19轮式磨头与曲面接触区域简图

    Figure 19.Principle sketch of the polishing head′s contact area with curved surface

    图 20稳定性实验结果

    Figure 20.Stability test results of the removal function

    图 21SiC去除函数

    Figure 21.Removal function of SiC

    图 22直径200 mm SiC仿真镜初始面形

    Figure 22.Initial faceshape ofΦ200 mm SiC simulation mirror

    图 23驻留时间分布

    Figure 23.Dwell time distribution

    图 24仿真加工后面形

    Figure 24.Final surface after simulation polishing

    表 1工艺参数实验结果

    Table 1.Experimental results of process parameters

    实验序号 自转速 度/rpm 压入深 度/mm 转台转 速/rpm 实验时 间/s 去除区域 直径/mm 体积去除效率/ (μm·mm2/min) 峰值去除率/ (μm·s-1)
    1 100 0.5 10 24 9.83 24.21 0.044
    2 100 1 10 16 14.16 52.75 0.091
    3 100 2 10 8 19.08 111.83 0.172
    4 150 0.5 10 24 9.67 33.12 0.069
    5 150 1 10 16 14.07 74.25 0.140
    6 150 2 10 8 18.67 161.34 0.273
    7 200 0.5 10 24 9.75 42.58 0.083
    8 200 1 10 16 13.98 89.17 0.173
    9 200 2 10 8 19.23 196.67 0.353
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    表 2稳定性实验结果

    Table 2.Stability test results of the removal function

    实验序号 体积去除效率/ (μm·mm2/min)
    1 16.175
    2 15.946
    3 16.353
    4 16.436
    5 16.289
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  • 收稿日期:2015-09-11
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