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Design of a model for shape from focus method


HAMAROVÁ Ivana, ŠMÍD Petr, HORVÁTH Pavel. 聚焦形貌恢复方法模型设计[J]. , 2016, 9(4): 439-451. doi: 10.3788/CO.20160904.0439
引用本文: HAMAROVÁ Ivana, ŠMÍD Petr, HORVÁTH Pavel. 聚焦形貌恢复方法模型设计[J]. , 2016, 9(4): 439-451.doi:10.3788/CO.20160904.0439
HAMAROVÁ Ivana, ŠMÍD Petr, HORVÁTH Pavel. Design of a model for shape from focus method[J]. Chinese Optics, 2016, 9(4): 439-451. doi: 10.3788/CO.20160904.0439
Citation: HAMAROVÁ Ivana, ŠMÍD Petr, HORVÁTH Pavel. Design of a model for shape from focus method[J].Chinese Optics, 2016, 9(4): 439-451.doi:10.3788/CO.20160904.0439


  • 中图分类号:TH752

Design of a model for shape from focus method


the grant of the Czech Science FoundationNo.13-12301S

More Information
    Corresponding author:Ivana Hamarová (1982—) , Ph.D., Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Joint Laboratory of Optics of Palacky University and Institute of Physics AS CR. Her research interests are on numerical modeling and simulation of the optical fields and the proposal of the optical measuring sensors. E-mail:ivana.hamarova@upol.cz
  • 摘要:采用基于拉普拉斯算符聚焦形貌恢复方法,提出了模拟目标深度测量的数值模型。数值模拟的核心是基于通过几何光学预测的理想图像的卷积与透镜广义孔径函数的多色点扩散函数,即用聚焦误差替代抛物线圆柱形貌或高斯函数。该模型可以使用基于聚焦形貌恢复方法的传感器真实组件参数、光源光谱、光学系统离差、相机的光谱灵敏度。提出了光学系统离差(消球差、消色差、色差)对确定目标表面形貌的精确度和可靠性的影响。结果表明,该模型可以有效提高实验效率,缩短时滞,降低成本。

  • Figure 1.Detection of focusedP′ and defocusedP″ image of the object pointP

    Figure 2.The depthz (x, y)of the 3D object and intensity distributionI (x′, y′)corresponding to its ideal image. The image is divided into the limited regions A, B, …, C (gray areas) , in which the spatially invarianthi, j(x′, y′)is computed forj=1, 2, …,N, whileNdenotes number of the regions. The depthz (x, y)changes in discrete incrementsto, j=to(height of a single step) . For simplicity, we assume imaging 1: 1, therefore widthswo, jof individual steps are the same as the widthswi, jof the appropriate regions A, B, …, C

    Figure 3.Scheme for simulation of the shape from focus method. The pyramidal object is placed at the distanced1from the optical system. The image of the object produced by the optical system is observed at the distanced2by means of the detector. Light source is situated at the distancesfrom the object

    Figure 4.(a) A one-dimensional profilez (x)of the object under test and (d) a resulting intensity distributionI (x′), computed by summation of (b) the intensity distributionI (x′)with (c) the fluctuationIfluct(x′)

    Figure 5.(a) An ideal case of the depth mapz (x, y)(matrix of 451×451 pixels) of the object represented by the pyramid with 5 levels with total height 735 μm, and height of the individual level of the pyramid is 147 μm (b) a cross section of the depth mapz (x, y)from (a) at a positiony=225, (c) the depth mapz (x, y)of the object acquired via simulation of the shape from focus method using the aberration-free optical system (d) a cross section of the depth mapz (x, y)from (c) at a positiony=225

    Figure 6.(a) A depth mapz (x, y)of the object under test acquired via simulation of the shape from focus method using the optical system with chromatic aberration (b) a cross section of the depth mapz (x, y)at a positiony=225

    Figure 7.(a) A depth mapz (x, y)of the object under test acquired via simulation of the shape from focus method using the achromatic optical system (b) a cross section of the depth mapz (x, y)at a positiony=225

    Figure 8.Sum of modified Laplacian functionF (i, j)computed by Eq. (14) fori=225,j=125 (the point on the third level of the pyramidal object) as a function ofd1for aberration-free (ideal) optical system, optical system with chromatic aberration and achromatic optical system. The total object height is 735 μm

    Figure 9.(a) A one-dimensional profilez (x)of the object under test, (b) a depth mapz (x, y)of the object under test acquired via simulation of the shape from focus method using the achromatic optical system (c) a cross section of the depth mapz (x, y)at a positiony=225. The total object′s height is 1470 μm

    Figure 10.Sum of modified Laplacian functionF (i, j) computed by Eq. (14) fori=225,j=125 (the point on the third level of the pyramidal object) as a function ofd1for achromatic optical system. The total object height is 1470 μm

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