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新型便携式 诱导击穿光谱系统综述


李安, 邵秋峰, 刘瑞斌. 新型便携式 诱导击穿光谱系统综述[J]. , 2017, 10(4): 426-437. doi: 10.3788/CO.20171004.0426
引用本文: 李安, 邵秋峰, 刘瑞斌. 新型便携式 诱导击穿光谱系统综述[J]. , 2017, 10(4): 426-437.doi:10.3788/CO.20171004.0426
LI An, SHAO Qiu-feng, LIU Rui-bin. Review of new type portable laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy system[J]. Chinese Optics, 2017, 10(4): 426-437. doi: 10.3788/CO.20171004.0426
Citation: LI An, SHAO Qiu-feng, LIU Rui-bin. Review of new type portable laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy system[J].Chinese Optics, 2017, 10(4): 426-437.doi:10.3788/CO.20171004.0426

新型便携式 诱导击穿光谱系统综述




    李安(1993-), 男, 河北邢台人, 硕士研究生, 主要从事 诱导等离子体方面的研究。E-mail:anglee@bit.edu.com

    刘瑞斌(1977-), 男, 河北承德人, 博士, 副教授, 硕士生导师, 主要从事半导体材料和微纳光电器件光学性质、 器、光电探测、 光谱学、可调谐 等方面的研究


    刘瑞斌, Email:liuruibin8@gmail.com

  • 中图分类号:O433.54

Review of new type portable laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy system


National Natural Science Foundation of China61574017

More Information
  • 摘要:本文主要综述了国内外便携式 诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)系统的研究进展和应用情况。目前该系统主要针对金属元素进行检测,对非金属等轻元素的定量分析需要较大能量的 激发,但受限于 器和光谱仪等组件体积的影响,研发便携式、高精度LIBS系统有较高难度。本文针对全元素检测便携设备的研发,利用限域和高压放电脉冲得到了增强的LIBS信号,降低了 能量,从物理机理上给出了便携式LIBS设备研发的新方向。

  • 图 1世界上第一台LIBS系统( 器为KIGER MK-367, 被动调Q,Nd\:YAG 1 064 nm, 4~8 ns脉宽, 每束 能为15~20 mJ, 最大工作频率为1 Hz)[11]

    Figure 1.The first LIBS system in the world (the laser is KIGER MK-367, passively Q-switched, Nd\:YAG 1 064 nm, 4-8 ns pulse width, 15-20 mJ/pulse, 1Hz rep. rate max)[11]

    图 2可移动式LIBS系统( 器双脉冲共线输出波长为1 064 nm,能量为50~120 mJ可调,最大工作频率为10 Hz[13])

    Figure 2.Mobile LIBS system (dual-pulse laser emits two collinear pulses at 1 064 nm with variable energy between 50 and 120 mJ per pulse at a maximum repetition rate of 10 Hz[13])

    图 3(a)调Q 器双脉冲共线输出的时间分辨(Nd\:YAG/1 064 nm, 脉冲间隔在30~70 μs可控);(b)两脉冲的时间间隔和输出能量之间的关系[13-14]

    Figure 3.(a) The time arrangement of theQ-switch laser coaxial output (Nd\:YAG/1 064 nm, the delay between the double pulses can be controlled in 30-70 μs); (b) The relation of the time delay and the double pulse output energy[13-14]

    图 4具有 头和操作系统的枪状便携式LIBS系统[16]

    Figure 4.The gun-shape of a portable LIBS system with laser head and operating system[16]

    图 5背包式LIBS探测系统(采用Nd\:YAG, 1 064 nm(ALST Inc.), 主动调Q 器每束 能量50 mJ, 脉宽小于10 ns[18])

    Figure 5.Man-portable/backpack LIBS sensor system (the laser is Nd\:YAG, 1 064 nm (ALST Inc.), 50 mJ/pulse, pulse width <10 ns[18])

    图 6推轮式LIBS分析系统分析岩洞中的岩石(采用调Q,Nd\:YAG/1 064 nm 器, 每束 能量50 mJ, 6.5 ns脉宽[19])

    Figure 6.Wheeled LIBS system used in a cave (the laser isQ-switched Nd\:YAG/1 064 nm with 50 mJ pulse and 6.5 ns pulse width[19])

    图 7用于皮肤组织检测的1.54 μm输出波长便携LIBS 头[21]

    Figure 7.The laser output 1.54 μm wavelength of a portable LIBS be applied to detect skin tissue[21]

    图 8便携LIBS系统组成:样品室, 器和时间调节电路[22]

    Figure 8.Portable LIBS system including sampling chamber, laser and timing circuit[22]

    图 9(a)用于检测物体表面化学战剂的背包式便携LIBS系统;(b)外形参数[23]

    Figure 9.(a) A portable LIBS system applied to detect the CWAs of body surface; (b) The parameters of configuration[23]

    图 10光纤 LIBS检测系统(脉冲光纤 为基于主振荡器功率放大器MOPA的YDELP-20-PRO-S,输出波长为1 064 nm±3 nm,脉宽为10~200 ns,频率为25~400 kHz可调,最大输出能量为0.4 mJ[30])

    Figure 10.Fiber laser-LIBS system (pulsed fiber laser YDELP-20-PRO-S based on the master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) configuration, with wavelength of 1 064 nm±6 nm, pulse width of 10-200 ns, repetition rates of 25-400 kHz and the maximum pulse energy is up to 0.4 mJ[30])

    图 11铝制半球形限域微腔LIBS光谱信号增强装置示意图(半球形微腔直径为5, 6, 7, 8 mm,顶部有2 mm直径空洞以让 通过[31])

    Figure 11.Aluminum hemispherical cavities used for LIBS signal enhancement (the diameter of hemispherical is 5, 6, 7, 8 mm, and the laser excites the sample by the 2 mm hole at the top of the hemispherical cavity[31])

    图 12高压脉冲放电辅助LIBS信号增强示意图(柱形电极直径为5 mm,电极前端为半球形尖端,两个电极有5 mm间隙,并成一定角度放置在样品表面上方约2 mm处[37-38])

    Figure 12.The high voltage discharged used for LIBS signal enhancement (the electrodes are cylindrical rods of 5 mm in diameter with a hemisphere shaped tip, and angled toward the sample, the lowest edge of each electrode tip is ~2 mm above the sample[37-38])

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