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Laser-induced periodic surface structures with ultrashort laser pulse

LI Chen,STOIAN Razvan,CHENG Guang-hua

李晨, STOIANRazvan, 程光华. 超短脉冲 诱导周期性表面结构[J]. , 2018, 11(1): 1-17. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181101.0001
引用本文: 李晨, STOIANRazvan, 程光华. 超短脉冲 诱导周期性表面结构[J]. , 2018, 11(1): 1-17.doi:10.3788/CO.20181101.0001
LI Chen, STOIAN Razvan, CHENG Guang-hua. Laser-induced periodic surface structures with ultrashort laser pulse[J]. Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(1): 1-17. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181101.0001
Citation: LI Chen, STOIAN Razvan, CHENG Guang-hua. Laser-induced periodic surface structures with ultrashort laser pulse[J].Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(1): 1-17.doi:10.3788/CO.20181101.0001

超短脉冲 诱导周期性表面结构






    李晨(1985—), 男, 陕西西安人, 中法联合培养博士, 讲师, 主要从事超短脉冲 加工和超快诊断测量等方面的研究。E-mail:782969713@qq.com

    程光华(1976—),男,陕西西安人,博士,研究员,主要从事超短脉冲 加工等方面的研究。E-mail:gcheng@opt.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号:TG66;O439

Laser-induced periodic surface structures with ultrashort laser pulse


National Natural Science Foundation of China61378019

National Natural Science Foundation of China61223007

National Natural Science Foundation of China61705124

More Information
  • 摘要: 诱导周期性表面结构(Laser-induced periodic surface structures,LIPSS)具有纳米尺度的特征结构和自重复的微观尺度的排列图案,因此,LIPSS在传感器、太阳能发电、光催化等方面具有广泛的应用前景。本文首先介绍LIPSS形成过程中超快 与物质相互作用的复杂过程,强调瞬态光学性质和表面结构变化的作用。然后综述几种具有代表性的LIPSS形成机理,并且讨论了各自的优缺点。接着介绍了LIPSS形成过程中材料的变化,主要包括材料化学成分、晶体结构和表面微观结构的变化。最后综述了LIPSS在材料表面处理、光学和机械等方面的应用。

  • Figure 1.SEM images of LIPSS on different materials irradiated by linearly-polarized fs laser pulses: (a)Metal tungsten; (b)semiconductor single crystal silicon; (c)fused silica; (d)bulk metal glass(BMG); (e)crystal alloy(CA) from BMG; (f)CMSX-4. The laser polarization (E)direction is indicated in (a) with a double-head arrow. Note that different scales in each image

    Figure 2.Drawing of laser beam incidence on rough surface in Sipe theory

    Figure 3.Plasmon wavelength calculated as a function of electron density for the glassy carbon(GC)/diamond like carbon(DLC) interface(lower curve) and for the air/GC(upper curve)[47]

    Figure 4.(a) holographic ablation model used in FDTD simulations. (b)Inter-pulse feedback mechanisms in FDTD simulations[52]

    Figure 5.Scheme of physical processes involved in the formation of LSFL on silicon surface upon femtosecond laser pulse irradiation[65]

    Figure 6.(a) Water drops on a lotus leaf. (b)SEM image of the micro-structures on the surface of a lotus leaf(scale bar 10 μm) and inset: nano-structures(scale bar 5 μm)[74]. (c)SEM images of femtosecond laser textured Si surface showing micro-structures(scale bar 5 μm) and inset: nano-structures(scale bar 1 μm). (d)A water droplet on a laser-structured Si surface[76]

    Figure 7.Gray and black aluminum produced by femtosecond laser pulses[84]

    Figure 8.Black silicon made without special gas ambient[92]

    Table 1.Literature summary of LIPSS reported on different solids(metals, semiconductors and dielectrics) upon near-infrared fs-laser pulse irradiation(λ=740-800 nm,τ=25-160 fs,ν< 5 kHz) and nearly normal incidence in air or vacuum, and proposed formation mechanisms. (Lattice structure:c-single-crystalline, a-amorphous; LIPSS orientation: ⊥: ripples aligned perpendicular to polarization, ║:ripples aligned parallel to fpolarization; LIPSS ormation mechanism: Sipe:Sipe theory[14], SPP:surface plasmon polariton, roughness effect, heat effect, surface plasma, interference mechanism, Drude:Drude model for transient optical properties, exCE:Coulomb plosion. Material classes:metal-red color, semiconductor-green color, dielectric-blue color)

    Material λLSFL/nm λHSFL/nm Reference and mechanisms
    Al 500-530⊥ 20-220 [13] Sipe model, [4,3]
    Au 580⊥ [17,18] SPP+roughness+heat, [22,23]
    Cu 500-700 ⊥ 270-370⊥ [15] Surface plasma, [22,23]
    Ni 750-760⊥ 200║ [24,20] SPP+Drude
    Pt 550-700 ⊥ [17,18] SPP+roughness+heat
    [16] surface plasma
    Ti 500-700 ⊥ 200-400 ⊥ [16] surface plasma. [25,26,27,28]. Interfernce+SPP
    W 400-600 ⊥ [16], surface plasma [29]
    Mo 470-720⊥ [16], surface plasma
    [19] SPP+roughness+heat
    CuZn 600-680⊥ [30] Interference+SPP
    Steel 316L 660⊥ [31]
    Steel X40Cr14 550-580⊥ [32]
    c-InAs 700⊥ [5]
    c-Si 560-730⊥ [26,33,34] SPP, [13] Sipe model,
    [35,36] Sipe model+Drude+SPP, [6,23]
    [37,38] Sipe+Drude
    c-InP 590-750 ⊥ 330-360 ⊥ [7,39]
    c-GaP 520-680 ⊥ 150-175 ⊥ [8]
    c-ZnO 630-730 ⊥ 200-280 ⊥ [40]
    diamond 750⊥ 210║ [41]
    [30] SPP+CE
    [42] Sipe+Drude
    a-SiO2 500-800║ 170-400 ⊥ [26,43,44,45],
    [2] Surface plasma
    c-SiO2 460-900║ 170-450⊥ [42] Sipe model+Drude
    graphite 70-170⊥ [30] SPP+CE
    c-SiC 500⊥ 250⊥ [46]
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