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Finite element analysis of infrared thermal imaging for four-layers structure of human thigh

LIU Hong-yan,SUN Qiang

刘宏岩, 孙强. 人体腿部四层结构的红外热成像有限元分析[J]. , 2018, 11(2): 237-247. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181102.0237
引用本文: 刘宏岩, 孙强. 人体腿部四层结构的红外热成像有限元分析[J]. , 2018, 11(2): 237-247.doi:10.3788/CO.20181102.0237
LIU Hong-yan, SUN Qiang. Finite element analysis of infrared thermal imaging for four-layers structure of human thigh[J]. Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(2): 237-247. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181102.0237
Citation: LIU Hong-yan, SUN Qiang. Finite element analysis of infrared thermal imaging for four-layers structure of human thigh[J].Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(2): 237-247.doi:10.3788/CO.20181102.0237



    刘宏岩(1990-), 女, 吉林长春人, 硕士研究生, 2013年于北京航空航天大学获得学士学位, 主要从事红外光学、生物医疗与深度学习方面的研究。E-mail:270663566@qq.com


  • 中图分类号:O59

Finite element analysis of infrared thermal imaging for four-layers structure of human thigh

More Information
  • 摘要:为研究人体红外热成像和体内肿瘤热源的关联,本文构建了包括骨层、肌肉层、脂肪层、皮肤层的人体腿部有限元模型。根据体内温度沿径向分布的特点,给出了各区域内动脉血液灌注热生成率随径向坐标变化的情况,解决了有限元建模中动脉血灌注热生成率随温度变化的非线性问题。进而用有限元方法数值计算了不同尺寸和不同深度的体内肿瘤所带来的温度变化。结果表明:在所研究的肿瘤尺寸范围内,肿瘤尺寸越小,体内温度提升越高,体表的峰值温度越高,体表温度分布半峰宽越窄,温度变化越陡峭。对于特定尺寸的肿瘤,肿瘤越深,体内峰值温度越高,体表的峰值温度越低,体表温度分布半峰宽越宽,温度变化越平缓。

  • Figure 1.Distribution of heat generation rate of blood perfusion along radial direction of thigh model

    Figure 2.Temperature distribution at cross-section of the cylinder model withZequal to zero in the case without extra inner heat source given by finite element analysis. (a)Color nephogram of temperature distribution, and (b)temperature variation along radial direction

    Figure 3.Simulation results of temperature distribution at cross-section of cylinder model with a tumor inside by finite element analysis. (a)Color nephogram of temperature distribution at plane ofZequal to zero, and (b)temperature variation along polar axis

    Figure 4.Finite element analysis results of temperature varying along polar axis for tumors with different radii

    Figure 5.Temperature distributions on the skin surface for tumors with different sizes inside the model. (a)Temperature distributions along circumference at plane ofZequal to zero, and (b)temperature distributions alongZdirection

    Figure 6.Finite element analysis results of temperature varying along polar axis for tumors with different depths

    Figure 7.Temperature distributions on the skin surface for a tumor with different depths inside the model. (a)the temperature distributions along circumference at plane ofZequal to zero, and (b)the temperature distribution alongZdirection

    Table 1.Thicknesses and thermophysical parameters of tissues

    skin fat muscle bone blood
    Conductivity (W/m·℃) 0.47 0.21 0.51 0.75
    tissue density(kg/m3) 1 085 920 1 085 1 357 1 059
    specific heat(J/kg·℃) 3 680 2 300 3 800 1 700 3 850
    Thickness/cm 0.2 0.6 2.7 2.5
    metabolic heat generate/(W·m-3) 368 368 684 368
    blood perfusion rate(mL/s·m3) 180 180 540 0
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    Table 2.Doubling time and metabolic heat generation rate of tumor with different radius

    r/cm 0.50 0.52 0.55 0.60 0.70
    τ/day 50 68 95 135 208
    Qm/(W·m-3) 65 400 47 822 34 544 24 144 15 746
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    Table 3.Typical data of the temperature distributions inFig. 5(a)

    r/cm Tmax/℃ Tmin/℃ T0.5/℃ FWHM/cm
    0.50 32.98 32.66 32.82 4.28
    0.52 32.92 32.66 32.79 4.29
    0.55 32.86 32.65 32.76 4.31
    0.6 32.82 32.65 32.74 4.32
    0.7 32.80 32.64 32.72 4.40
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    Table 4.Typical data of the temperature distribution curves inFig. 7(a)

    h/cm Tmax/℃ Tmin/℃ T0.5/℃ FWHM/cm
    1.4 33.02 32.66 32.84 4.05
    1.5 32.99 32.66 32.83 4.26
    1.6 32.96 32.67 32.82 4.47
    1.7 32.94 32.67 32.81 4.68
    1.8 32.91 32.67 32.79 4.89
    1.9 32.89 32.67 32.78 5.09
    2.0 32.88 32.67 32.78 5.31
    2.1 32.86 32.67 32.77 5.54
    2.2 32.85 32.67 32.76 5.76
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