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史健松, 于源华, 王美娇, 吴再辉, 石鑫, 张昊, 宫平, 嵇晓强. 光纤生物传感器在HER3抗体药物定量检测中的应用[J]. , 2018, 11(3): 503-512. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181103.0503
引用本文: 史健松, 于源华, 王美娇, 吴再辉, 石鑫, 张昊, 宫平, 嵇晓强. 光纤生物传感器在HER3抗体药物定量检测中的应用[J]. , 2018, 11(3): 503-512.doi:10.3788/CO.20181103.0503
SHI Jian-song, YU Yuan-hua, WANG Mei-jiao, WU Zai-hui, SHI Xin, ZHANG Hao, GONG Ping, JI Xiao-qiang. Application of optical fiber biosensor in quantitative detection of HER3 antibody[J]. Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(3): 503-512. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181103.0503
Citation: SHI Jian-song, YU Yuan-hua, WANG Mei-jiao, WU Zai-hui, SHI Xin, ZHANG Hao, GONG Ping, JI Xiao-qiang. Application of optical fiber biosensor in quantitative detection of HER3 antibody[J].Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(3): 503-512.doi:10.3788/CO.20181103.0503







  • 中图分类号:TP391.4;TH741

Application of optical fiber biosensor in quantitative detection of HER3 antibody


Jilin Province Science and Technology Development Plan Project20170309003YY

More Information
  • 摘要:为了实现对生物分子间相互作用过程的实时、灵敏、快速监测,获得生物分子的有无、浓度与相互作用的动力学参数信息,本文设计了基于光纤生物传感器的生物亲和性检测方法。首先,针对光干涉生物亲和性传感检测系统的光学传输系统"Y"型分叉光纤与光纤探针之间的耦合问题,提出了自聚焦透镜与石英光纤耦合结构,该耦合结构偏心公差能够达到0.02 mm,倾斜公差能够达到0.1°;针对干涉光谱信号的高频噪声问题,采用一种改进的经验模态分解干涉光谱信号处理方法,有效避免了干涉光谱曲线滤波处理后极值点位置的偏移;同时采用局部拟合极值点计算生物分子膜层厚度的方法,将生物分子膜层厚度的分辨率提高到50 pm。利用所搭建的光干涉生物亲和性检测系统,建立了HER3-IgG1抗体药物利用金纳米粒子进行信号放大,实现对其浓度进行定量检测的新方法,检测过程中无需清洗,不产生交叉污染。实验结果表明:系统检测限能达到0.082 6 μg/mL,该系统具有检测时间短,测量准确、精度高、成本低廉等特点,能够应用于药代动力学研究中。

  • 图 1光干涉生物亲和性传感检测原理

    Figure 1.Bioaffinity sensing detection principle based on the light interference

    图 2光学系统及光纤探针示意图

    Figure 2.Schematic diagram of optical system and optical fiber probe

    图 3“Y”型光纤和光纤探针连接示意图

    Figure 3.Connection schematic diagram of "Y" type optical fiber and optical fiber probe

    图 4普通透镜和自聚焦透镜光路

    Figure 4.Optical paths of ordinary lens and self-focusing lens

    图 5自聚焦透镜与石英光纤耦合结构光路效率仿真图

    Figure 5.Simulation block diagram of optical path efficiency of the self-focusing lens and quartz optical fiber probe coupling structure

    图 6自聚焦透镜与石英光纤探针耦合结构给定偏心0.02 mm公差后的光斑足迹图

    Figure 6.Spot footprint of the self-focusing lens and quartz optical fiber probe coupling structure given eccentricity 0.02 mm

    图 7自聚焦透镜与石英光纤探针耦合结构给定倾斜0.1°公差后的光斑足迹图

    Figure 7.Spot footprint of the self-focusing lens and quartz optical fiber probe coupling structure given tilt 0.1 degrees of tolerance

    图 8干涉光谱信号二次EMD改进方法处理流程图

    Figure 8.Flowchart of improved method of two times EMD for interference spectrum signal

    图 9原始干涉光谱经EMD改进方法分析处理后的各阶分量

    Figure 9.Each order components of original interference spectrum processed by the improved EMD method

    图 10含有噪声的原始干涉光谱曲线

    Figure 10.Original spectral curve with noise interference

    图 11EMD改进方法去噪结果

    Figure 11.Denoising results of improved EMD method(a) and the partial enlargement result(b)

    图 12生物亲和性检测系统

    Figure 12.Photo of bioaffinity detection system

    图 13HER3-IgG1定量检测结合反应曲线

    Figure 13.Quantitative detection with reaction curves of HER3-IgG1

    图 14HER3-IgG1定量检测标准曲线

    Figure 14.Standard curve of quantitative detection of HER3-IgG1

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