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无扫描 三维成像雷达研究进展及趋势分析


卜禹铭, 杜小平, 曾朝阳, 赵继广, 宋一铄. 无扫描 三维成像雷达研究进展及趋势分析[J]. , 2018, 11(5): 711-727. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181105.0711
引用本文: 卜禹铭, 杜小平, 曾朝阳, 赵继广, 宋一铄. 无扫描 三维成像雷达研究进展及趋势分析[J]. , 2018, 11(5): 711-727.doi:10.3788/CO.20181105.0711
BU Yu-ming, DU Xiao-ping, ZENG Zhao-yang, ZHAO Ji-guang, SONG Yi-shuo. Research progress and trend analysis of non-scanning laser 3D imaging radar[J]. Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(5): 711-727. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181105.0711
Citation: BU Yu-ming, DU Xiao-ping, ZENG Zhao-yang, ZHAO Ji-guang, SONG Yi-shuo. Research progress and trend analysis of non-scanning laser 3D imaging radar[J].Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(5): 711-727.doi:10.3788/CO.20181105.0711

无扫描 三维成像雷达研究进展及趋势分析




    卜禹铭(1993-), 男, 四川成都人, 硕士研究生, 主要从事空间目标监视方面的研究。E-mail:htgcdxbym@126.com


  • 中图分类号:TN958.98

Research progress and trend analysis of non-scanning laser 3D imaging radar


National Natural Science Foundation61805284

More Information
  • 摘要:无扫描 三维成像雷达具有体积小、质量轻、高分辨率、高精度和对动态目标无失真成像等优点,目前已成为许多国家研究的重点和热点。本文阐述了闪光式、光子计数、增益调制型等7种无扫描 三维成像雷达体制和距离选通成像技术的基本原理,追踪并归纳了其研究进展,对比分析了各体制的技术优劣,并从核心器件角度分析了发展趋势。结论如下:采用2D传感器在光学层面进行时间信息转换实现三维成像的方法具有高分辨率、高能量利用率和高信噪比等特点,在航天、测绘、军事、民用等领域具有突出优势和应用前景。

  • 图 1无扫描 三维成像雷达分类

    Figure 1.Scanerless laser 3D imaging radar classification

    图 2InGaAs LM-APD结构图

    Figure 2.Structure diagram of InGaAs LM-APD

    图 3美国DRS公司生产的HgCdTe LM-APDs截面图和俯视图

    Figure 3.Cross-sectional and top view of HgCdTe LM-APDs from US DRS company

    图 4光子计数三维成像 雷达原理框图

    Figure 4.Schematic black diagram of photon counting three-dimensional imaging radar

    图 532×32 InGaAs GM-APD结构图

    Figure 5.Structure diagram of 32×32 InGaAs GM-APD

    图 6双通道单增-恒定增益调制成像 雷达工作原理图

    Figure 6.Working principle diagram of dual-channel single-gain-constant gain modulation imaging laser radar

    图 7实验场景图和目标距离图像

    Figure 7.Experimental scene graph and target distance image

    图 8浙大图书馆的距离灰度图

    Figure 8.Gayscale of Zhejiang University Library

    图 9锯齿波调制测距原理图

    Figure 9.Sawtooth modulation ranging principle diagram

    图 10FMCW三维成像 雷达系统原理框图

    Figure 10.Principle block diagram of FMCW three-dimensional imaging lidar system

    图 11基于GM-APD的FMCW 雷达测距系统原理框图

    Figure 11.Principle block diagram of FMCW kidar ranging system based on GM-APD

    图 12基于ICCD的鉴相式 测距原理框图

    Figure 12.Principle block diagram of ICCD-based phase-discrimination laser ranging

    图 13LDRI对空间站表面成的3D图像

    Figure 13.LDRI 3D image of the space station surface

    图 14偏振调制 测距原理框图

    Figure 14.Principle block diagram of polarization modulation laser ranging

    图 15偏振 三维成像图

    Figure 15.Polarized laser three-dimensional imaging

    图 16两种偏振调制体制的成像效果对比图

    Figure 16.Comparison of two kinds of polarization modulation imaging system

    图 171 km处的建筑物距离图

    Figure 17.Building distance map at 1 km

    图 18条纹管成像原理框图

    Figure 18.Striped tube imaging principle block diagram

    图 19多缝条纹管 雷达原理图

    Figure 19.Schematic of multi-stitch laser radar

    图 20条纹管 雷达对地面场景三维成像图

    Figure 20.Striped tube laser radar on the ground scene three-dimensional imaging

    图 21待测目标的(a)实物图、(b)强度像、(c)偏振像、(d)融合图像

    Figure 21.Physical map of the target (a)under test image, (b)intensity image, (c)polarization image, (d)fusion image

    图 22距离选通成像的原理图

    Figure 22.Schematic of gated imaging

    图 23系统实物图

    Figure 23.Physical map of system

    图 24三维成像 雷达的传感器分类

    Figure 24.Sensor classification of 3D imaging radar

    表 1FOPEN三维成像 雷达性能参数

    Table 1.Performance parameters of FOPEN 3D imaging laser radar

    Project Performance
    Laser 1 550 nm, 1 W
    Received lens Aperture:35 mm
    Focal length:50 mm
    Detector 640×512 InGaAs EBAPS;
    Ranging Accuracy 25 m:3 cm
    FoV 35°×35°
    Frame rate >1 Hz
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    表 27种无扫描 成像雷达系统部分性能比较

    Table 2.Performance comparison of seven scanless laser imaging radar systems

    Based on LM-APDs Photon counting Gain modulation
    (Dual channel)
    FMCW Phase ranging Polarization modulation Stripe tube
    Source Pulse Pulse Pulse CW CW Pulse Pulse
    Range <5 km >10 km <3 km <1 km <3 km >1 km <6 km
    Ranging Accuracy cm~m cm~m cm~m mm~dm mm~m mm~dm cm~m
    Range hole Exist Exist Exist No No Exist Exist
    Range ambiguity No No No No Exist No No
    Imaging speed Fast Low Fast Low Low Fast Fast
    Resolution 256×256 256×256 ICCD EBAPS ICCD Detector Detector
    Motion artifact No Exist No Exist Exist No No
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