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李铮, 戴明, 李嘉全. 步进电机驱动的直线变倍成像系统研究[J]. , 2018, 11(5): 779-789. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181105.0779
引用本文: 李铮, 戴明, 李嘉全. 步进电机驱动的直线变倍成像系统研究[J]. , 2018, 11(5): 779-789.doi:10.3788/CO.20181105.0779
LI Zheng, DAI Ming, LI Jia-quan. Continuous zooming imaging system driven by stepping motors[J]. Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(5): 779-789. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181105.0779
Citation: LI Zheng, DAI Ming, LI Jia-quan. Continuous zooming imaging system driven by stepping motors[J].Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(5): 779-789.doi:10.3788/CO.20181105.0779





    李铮(1990-), 男, 内蒙古赤峰人, 硕士研究生, 主要从事伺光电设备伺服控制系统方面的研究。E-mail:lizhengtju@126.com


  • 中图分类号:TP273

Continuous zooming imaging system driven by stepping motors


National High-tech R & D Program of China2013AA122102

More Information
  • 摘要:为了满足无人机光电载荷的体积和重量要求,并有效解决传统凸轮机构加工精度要求高、系统易产生机械振荡等问题,提高系统的响应速度和变焦精度,对基于步进电机驱动实现连续变焦的直线变倍成像系统进行研究。采用二相混合式步进电机驱动实现机械补偿式变焦系统的变焦聚焦功能。首先,本文研究了基于步进电机的直线变倍成像系统的工作原理与构成,完成硬件平台的搭建,利用单片机控制实现步进电机的加减速过程。然后构造适合本系统的图像清晰度评价函数,并采用扫描反馈搜索算法完成对镜头焦距值的标定,将标定结果载入聚焦算法。最后,完成系统的性能测试。测试结果显示,采用速度控制模型后,步进电机的定位误差显著降低,范围在0.010 mm以下,整个系统的变焦精度远远小于1%,而且光学性能和外场拍摄性能较好。该基于步进电机的直线变倍成像系统满足无人机光电载荷的适用性要求。

  • 图 1直线变倍成像系统的构成

    Figure 1.Composition of continuous zooming system

    图 2直线变倍镜头的变焦原理

    Figure 2.Zoom principle of continuous zooming lens

    图 3变焦机构示意图

    Figure 3.Structure diagram of zooming mechanism

    图 4步进电机矩频特性及角加速度曲线

    Figure 4.Torque-frequency characteristics and the curves of angular acceleration for stepping motor

    图 5步进电机加速曲线

    Figure 5.Acceleration curve of stepping motor

    图 6离焦化处理的复杂背景图片

    Figure 6.Complex background images after defocusing process

    图 7复杂背景各评价函数值折线图

    Figure 7.Chart of evaluation function values for complex background image

    图 8离焦化处理的简单背景图片

    Figure 8.Simple background images after defocusing

    图 9简单背景各评价函数值折线图

    Figure 9.Chart of evaluation function values for simple background image

    图 10归一化聚焦评价函数值的折线图

    Figure 10.Normalized evaluation function value

    图 11变倍组、补偿组位移与焦距值对应关系曲线

    Figure 11.Relation curves of the displacements of zooming lens, compensating lens and the focal lengths

    图 12变倍组与补偿组位移关系曲线

    Figure 12.Relation curve of displacements of zooming lens and compensating lens

    图 13直线变倍成像系统变焦流程图

    Figure 13.Zooming flow chart of zooming imaging system

    图 14步进电机位移误差

    Figure 14.Displacement error of stepping motor

    图 15不同焦距下的MTF曲线

    Figure 15.MTF curves under different focal lengths

    图 16镜头不同焦距下的畸变曲线

    Figure 16.Distortion curves under different focal lengths

    图 1750 mm焦距焦点附近连续拍摄图像

    Figure 17.Continuous imaging results in the area near focus under 50-mm focal length

    图 18300 mm焦距焦点附近连续拍摄图像

    Figure 18.Continuous imaging results in the area near focus under 300 mm focal length

    图 19500 mm焦距焦点附近连续拍摄图像

    Figure 19.Continuous imaging near 500 mm focal length

    图 20不同焦距下拍摄图像的归一化评价函数值

    Figure 20.Normalized evaluation function values of the images under different focal lengths

    表 1焦距标定值与实测值结果

    Table 1.Focal length calibration values and measured values

    测量次数N 标定值f/mm 实测值f/mm
    1 499.997 0 499.675 0
    2 465.106 0 464.750 0
    3 432.699 0 432.300 0
    4 415.109 0 414.562 5
    5 384.183 0 383.350 0
    6 363.222 0 362.587 5
    7 304.207 0 303.737 5
    8 278.337 0 277.612 5
    9 228.337 0 226.737 5
    10 190.673 0 190.465 0
    11 166.853 0 166.485 0
    12 137.449 0 137.115 0
    13 110.815 0 110.275 0
    14 86.909 0 86.405 0
    15 72.054 0 71.500 0
    16 59.045 0 58.217 5
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