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宋东升, 郑远林, 刘虎, 胡维星, 张志云, 陈险峰. 本征广义琼斯矩阵方法[J]. , 2020, 13(3): 637-645. doi: 10.3788/CO.2019-0163
引用本文: 宋东升, 郑远林, 刘虎, 胡维星, 张志云, 陈险峰. 本征广义琼斯矩阵方法[J]. , 2020, 13(3): 637-645.doi:10.3788/CO.2019-0163
SONG Dong-sheng, ZHENG Yuan-lin, LIU Hu, HU Wei-xing, ZHANG Zhi-yun, CHEN Xian-feng. Eigen generalized Jones matrix method[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(3): 637-645. doi: 10.3788/CO.2019-0163
Citation: SONG Dong-sheng, ZHENG Yuan-lin, LIU Hu, HU Wei-xing, ZHANG Zhi-yun, CHEN Xian-feng. Eigen generalized Jones matrix method[J].Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(3): 637-645.doi:10.3788/CO.2019-0163


  • 中图分类号:O436.3

Eigen generalized Jones matrix method

Funds:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11734011); Foundation for Development of Science and Technology of Shanghai (No. 17JC1400402)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    SONG Dong-sheng (1985—), Male, born in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. M.Sc., Graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2018. Engineer, Luoyang Electronic Equipment Test Center of China. His research interests are on nonlinear optics, frequency conversion and light field regulation. E-mail:sds0754@alumni.sjtu.edu.cn

    Corresponding author:sds0754@alumni.sjtu.edu.cn
  • 摘要:为了描述完全偏振光在非线性晶体中传播时的偏振态及相位变化,本文基于Ortega-Quijano等人在推导非线性晶体的广义琼斯矩阵时采用的微分广义琼斯矩阵方法,提出了本征广义琼斯矩阵方法。与微分广义琼斯矩阵方法相比,本征广义琼斯矩阵方法使用了更精确的数学技巧,在描述光在非线性晶体中传播的物理过程上更为严谨。解决了微分广义琼斯矩阵不能计算斜入射光或者光轴与实验室坐标不重合时光的偏振变化的问题。首先,根据折射率椭球方程和光的入射方向,计算出非线性晶体中本征光的传播方向和折射率。然后,给出了本征光的本征广义琼斯矩阵。最后,计算了本征光的偏振态和相位变化。本文使用本征广义琼斯矩阵对带有一个奇点的涡旋光在KDP晶体中的传播情况进行模拟计算,计算结果表明,本征广义琼斯矩阵方法能够描述任意入射角度、任意光轴方向的完全偏振光在非线性晶体中的传播过程。

  • Figure 1.Schematic diagram of the three coordinate systems. The black, blue, and red axes represent the laboratory, principal, and eigen coordinates, respectively.z1andz2are the optical axes.

    Figure 2.Spatial distributions of the polarization state. (a) Original linear polarization. (b) Left(right) polarization. (c) Circular polarization. (d) Right(left) polarization. (e) Opposite linear polarization.

    Figure 3.Change in walk-off angle withθz.

    Figure 4.Spatial distributions of the polarization state with a right direction walk-off effect. (a) Original linear polarization. (b) Left (right) polarization. (c) Circular polarization. (d) Right (left) polarization. (e) Opposite linear polarization.

    Figure 5.Change in walk-off angle with (θ,φ)

    Figure 6.Spatial distributions of the polarization state with a upward-right direction walk-off effect. (a) Original linear polarization. (b) Left(right) polarization. (c) Circular polarization. (d) Right(left) polarization. (e) Opposite linear polarization.

    Figure 7.Phase difference and polarization. (a) Phase difference of the refracted light beam in birefringent crystals. (b) Polarization of reflection and refracted light beam at the interface in birefringent crystals.

    Figure 8.(a) Experimental image and (b) simulation results of proposed method.

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