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应亚宸, 张广杰, 贾荟琳, 陆政元, 石玉洁, 席鹏. 多光子皮肤成像技术及其应用[J]. , 2019, 12(1): 104-111. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191201.0104
引用本文: 应亚宸, 张广杰, 贾荟琳, 陆政元, 石玉洁, 席鹏. 多光子皮肤成像技术及其应用[J]. , 2019, 12(1): 104-111.doi:10.3788/CO.20191201.0104
YING Ya-chen, ZHANG Guang-jie, JIA Hui-lin, LU Zheng-yuan, SHI Yu-jie, XI Peng. Multi-photon skin tissue imaging technology and its applications[J]. Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(1): 104-111. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191201.0104
Citation: YING Ya-chen, ZHANG Guang-jie, JIA Hui-lin, LU Zheng-yuan, SHI Yu-jie, XI Peng. Multi-photon skin tissue imaging technology and its applications[J].Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(1): 104-111.doi:10.3788/CO.20191201.0104








    应亚宸(1997-), 女, 浙江台州人, 北京大学本科生, 2015年至今就读于北京大学工学院生物医学工程专业, 主要从事分子影像方面的研究。E-mail:yingyachen@pku.edu.cn



  • 中图分类号:O439

Multi-photon skin tissue imaging technology and its applications


National Instrument Development Special Program2013YQ03065102

National Natural Science Foundation of China61475010

National Natural Science Foundation of China61729501

Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Key Research and Development Projects2013YQ03065102

More Information
  • 摘要:多光子成像技术是一种层析能力好、信噪比高的新型光学成像技术。在皮肤光学三维检测中,多光子技术已经应用于无创在体成像,且已得到产业化开发。本文将首先介绍多光子皮肤检测系统的若干核心技术,即双光子自发荧光技术、二次谐波成像技术、荧光寿命成像技术、相干反斯托克斯-拉曼成像技术等,然后简要介绍多光子成像系统在皮肤疾病成像检测上的应用,最后分析该系统的优势和未来可能的发展趋势。

  • 图 1主要内源荧光分子的(a)激发光谱;(b)发射光谱[10]

    Figure 1.(a)Excitation spectra; (b)emission spectra of primary endogenous fluorophores[10]

    图 2健康人体皮肤活体成像,激发光波长760 nm:(a)角质层,0 μm深:角蛋白自发荧光信号;(b)颗粒层,20 μm深:角质细胞中的透明角质颗粒、NADPH、角蛋白自发荧光信号;(c)棘层,30 μm深:角质细胞密度增大;激发光波长800 nm; (d)真皮层,85 μm深:胶原蛋白、弹性蛋白自发荧光信号[11]

    Figure 2.In vivo healthy human skin imaging with excitation wavelength of 760 nm:(a)Stratum corneum, 0 μm depth: auto-fluorescence signal of keratin; (b)Stratum granulosum, 20 μm depth: auto-fluorescence signal of keratohyalin granules, NADPH, and keratin in keratinocytes; (c)Stratum spinosum, 30 μm depth: increased cellular density of keratinocytes; 800 nm excitation wavelength: (d)Dermis, 85 μm depth: auto-fluorescence signal of collagen and elastin[11]

    图 3(a) 双光子激发荧光(2PEF)和(b)二次谐波成像(SHG)的Jablonski图[12]

    Figure 3.Jablonski image of (a)two-photon excitation fluorescence(2PEF) and (b)second harmonic generation(SHG)[12]

    图 4真皮层中胶原蛋白纤维的SHG信号(蓝)与弹性蛋白纤维的自发荧光信号(绿)[14]

    Figure 4.SHG signal of collagen fibers(blue) and autofluorescence signal of elastic fibers(green) in the dermis(Scale bar:20 μm)[14]

    图 5不同深度皮肤组织自发荧光强度影像与荧光寿命影像对比.亚洲志愿者的:(a)颗粒层、(b)基底层;非洲志愿者的:(c)颗粒层、(d)基底层[16]

    Figure 5.Contrast of auto-fluorescence intensity maps and lifetime color maps:Asian volunteer′s (a)stratum granulosum; (b)stratum basal; African volunteer′s (c)stratum granulosum; (d)stratum basal[16]

    图 6相干反斯托克斯-拉曼(CARS)的Jablonski图:(a)拉曼散射; (b)受激拉曼散射; (c)相干反斯托克斯-拉曼

    Figure 6.Jablonski image of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering(CARS):(a)Raman Scattering; (b)Stimulated Raman Scattering; (c)Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering

    图 7健康人体皮肤活体成像:(a)CARS成像信号; (b)双光子激发荧光/SHG成像信号; (c)CARS-双光子激发荧光/SHG成像信号叠加[7]

    Figure 7.In vivo skin imaging of healthy people:(a)CARS imaging signal; (b)two-photon excitation fluorescence/SHG imaging signal; (c)signal overlay of CARS- two-photon excitation fluorescence/SHG imaging[7]

    图 8JenLab的多光子皮肤检测系统MPTflex[5]

    Figure 8.Multi-photon skin screen system of JenLab—MPTflex[5]

    图 9不同纤维形态的多光子层析成像图对比(左:SHG信号;右:自发荧光信号)[19]

    Figure 9.Contrast of different fiber morphology MPT images (left: SHG signal; right: auto-fluorescence signal)[19]

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