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董磊, 卢振武, 刘欣悦. 3种主动合成孔径成像技术极限探测能力的分析与比较[J]. , 2019, 12(1): 138-147. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191201.0138
引用本文: 董磊, 卢振武, 刘欣悦. 3种主动合成孔径成像技术极限探测能力的分析与比较[J]. , 2019, 12(1): 138-147.doi:10.3788/CO.20191201.0138
DONG Lei, LU Zhen-wu, LIU Xin-yue. Analysis and comparison of limit detection capabilities of three active synthetic aperture imaging techniques[J]. Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(1): 138-147. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191201.0138
Citation: DONG Lei, LU Zhen-wu, LIU Xin-yue. Analysis and comparison of limit detection capabilities of three active synthetic aperture imaging techniques[J].Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(1): 138-147.doi:10.3788/CO.20191201.0138






    董磊(1982-), 男, 山东金乡人, 博士, 副研究员, 2004年、2007年于山东大学分别获得学士和硕士学位, 主要从事物理光学和 技术方面的研究。E-mail:nodepression@126.com

  • 中图分类号:V557

Analysis and comparison of limit detection capabilities of three active synthetic aperture imaging techniques


National Natural Science Foundation of China11703024

Research in Advance of Spaceflight System Department30XXXX10201

More Information
  • 摘要:为了深入研究可行的中高轨成像技术,本文从探测能力角度(用最低发射 功率表示)深入分析和比较3种主动干涉合成孔径成像技术——傅立叶望远镜(又称为相干场成像或条纹场扫描成像)、成像相关术(又称为强度相关成像)和剪切光束成像。本文利用光电倍增管的信噪比模型和 作用距离方程,较为细致地分析每种技术在满足单次信噪比(SNR=5)条件下的极限探测能力。通过仿真分析得出:傅立叶望远镜、成像相关术和剪切光束成像所需的最低单光束单脉冲能量分别为11.4 J、0.73 MJ和3.1 MJ。最终得出傅立叶望远镜是上述3种主动成像技术中在目前技术水平下最适合中高轨目标(约36 000 km)高分辨成像的可用技术的结论。

  • 图 1傅立叶望远镜系统示意图

    Figure 1.Scheme of imaging system of Fourier telescopy

    图 2图像重构示意图

    Figure 2.Scheme of image reconstruction

    图 3成像相关术概念示意图

    Figure 3.Conceptual scheme of imaging correlography

    图 4成像相关术恢复流程

    Figure 4.Retrieval diagram of imaging correlography

    图 5剪切光束成像概念图

    Figure 5.Conception diagram of sheared-beam imaging

    图 6剪切光束成像恢复流程图

    Figure 6.Retrieval diagram of sheared-beam imaging

    图 73种主动成像技术探测能力的分析流程图

    Figure 7.Flow chart of detection capability analysis for 3 kinds of active imaging technologies

    表 1傅立叶望远镜探测能力计算参数

    Table 1.Calculation parameters of detection capability of Fourier telescope

    Items Values
    Wavelength and band (532±5) nm
    range 36 000 km
    Skylight background 0.08 W/(m2·sr)
    Transmittance of emitter optics 0.4
    Shape factor of emitting beam 2
    Cube angle of emitting beam 1.26×10-9rad2
    Area of object π*(5m)2/4
    Reflectance of object 0.3
    Cube angle of object reflection
    Area of receiver 40×(10m)2
    Field of view of receiver 2 mrad
    Transmittance of atmosphere 0.8
    Transmittance of receiver 0.48
    Signal to noise ratio of detection 5
    Quantum efficiency of photomultiplier tube 0.13
    Dark current 5×10-15A
    Working bandwidth 1.44 MHz
    Integral time 10 ns
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    表 2成像相关术探测能力计算参数

    Table 2.Calculation parameters of detection capability of imaging correlography

    Items Values
    Wavelength and band (532±5) nm
    range 36 000 km
    Skylight background 0.08 W/(m2·sr)
    Transmittance of emitter optics 0.4
    Shape factor of emitting beam 2
    Cube angle of emitting beam 1.26×10-9rad2
    Area of object π*(5m)2/4
    Reflectance of object 0.3
    Cube angle of object reflection
    Area of receiver 3.38 m2
    Field of view of receiver 2 mrad
    Transmittance of atmosphere 0.8
    Transmittance of receiver 0.48
    Signal to noise ratio of detection 5
    Quantum efficiency of photomultiplier tube 0.13
    Dark current 5×10-15A
    Working bandwidth 60 MHz
    Integral time 10 ns
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    表 3剪切光束成像探测能力计算参数

    Table 3.Calculation parameters of detection capability of sheared-beam imaging

    Items Values
    Wavelength and band (532±5) nm
    range 36 000 km
    Skylight background 0.08 W/(m2·sr)
    Transmittance of emitter optics 0.4
    Shape factor of emitting beam 2
    Cube angle of emitting beam 1.26×10-9rad2
    Area of object π*(5m)2/4
    Reflectance of object 0.3
    Cube angle of object reflection
    Area of receiver 3.67 m2
    Field of view of receiver 2 mrad
    Transmittance of atmosphere 0.8
    Transmittance of receiver 0.48
    Signal to noise ratio of detection 5
    Quantum efficiency of photomultiplier tube 0.13
    Dark current 5×10-15A
    Working bandwidth 1.44 MHz
    Integral time 10 ns
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    表 43种成像技术的最低 发射功率(能量)

    Table 4.Lowest laser emitting powers(energies) of three imaging techniques

    Summit power of single beam Pulse energy of single beam
    Fourier telescope 1.14 GW 11.4 J
    Imaging correlography 73.4 TW 0.73 MJ
    Sheared-beam imaging 310 TW 3.1 MJ
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