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陈洪宇, 王月飞, 闫珺, 李林, 王贺彬, 卞万朋, 李炳生. 基于Se和有机无机钙钛矿异质结的宽光谱光电探测器制备及其光电特性研究[J]. , 2019, 12(5): 1057-1063. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191205.1057
引用本文: 陈洪宇, 王月飞, 闫珺, 李林, 王贺彬, 卞万朋, 李炳生. 基于Se和有机无机钙钛矿异质结的宽光谱光电探测器制备及其光电特性研究[J]. , 2019, 12(5): 1057-1063.doi:10.3788/CO.20191205.1057
CHEN Hong-yu, WANG Yue-fei, YAN Jun, LI Lin, WANG He-bin, BIAN Wan-peng, LI Bing-sheng. Fabrication and photoelectric properties of organic-inorganic broad-spectrum photodetectors based on Se microwire/perovskite heterojunction[J]. Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(5): 1057-1063. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191205.1057
Citation: CHEN Hong-yu, WANG Yue-fei, YAN Jun, LI Lin, WANG He-bin, BIAN Wan-peng, LI Bing-sheng. Fabrication and photoelectric properties of organic-inorganic broad-spectrum photodetectors based on Se microwire/perovskite heterojunction[J].Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(5): 1057-1063.doi:10.3788/CO.20191205.1057








    陈洪宇(1986-), 女, 黑龙江哈尔滨人, 讲师, 2014年于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所获得博士学位, 主要从事半导体光电材料与器件的研究工作。E-mail:chenhy@hit.edu.cn


    李炳生(1972-), 男, 河北沧州人, 教授, 2002年于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所获得博士学位, 主要从事宽带隙半导体薄膜外延及紫外光电子器件、纳米材料生物医学工程等方面的研究。E-mail:libingsheng@hotmail.com

  • 中图分类号:TP394.1;TH691.9

Fabrication and photoelectric properties of organic-inorganic broad-spectrum photodetectors based on Se microwire/perovskite heterojunction


National Natural Science Foundation of China61874037

National Natural Science Foundation of China11474076

Key Laboratory of Micro-systems and Micro-structures Manufacturing of Ministry of Education2017KM003

Fundamental Research Funds for the Central UniversitiesHIT.NSRIF.2019060

More Information
  • 摘要:针对目前高效、稳定的p型掺杂一直较难实现的问题,本文采用化学气相沉积方法制备出了高结晶质量的p型半导体材料Se微米线。同时,还制备出了基于单根Se微米线的光电探测器,其在紫外和可见光波段有较宽的响应范围,响应截止边为675 nm。该器件在5 V偏压下的峰值响应度可达2.8 mA/W(600 nm)。在此基础上,利用p型Se微米线与钙钛矿材料CH 3NH 3PbCl 3制备了p-n结型器件,与单根Se微米线光电探测器相比,响应时间和响应度都有明显提升,尤其是异质结的响应度比纯Se微米线提高了850%。这一研究结果说明本文制备的有机无机复合结构p-n结非常有望应用到高性能光电探测器中。

  • 图 1Se微米线的扫描电镜照片(a)低放大倍率; (b)单根Se微米线的放大图片。插图为微米线的断面图。(c)(d)分散在石英衬底上为不同倍率的MAPbCl3扫描电镜照片

    Figure 1.SEM images of as-grown Se microwires on Si substrate. (a)Low magnification SEM image. (b)High magnification SEM image. The inset is the cross section of Se MW. (c), (d)The SEM images of as-grown MAPbCl3on quartz substrate

    图 2(a) Se微米线的XRD图;(b)MAPbCl3薄膜的XRD图

    Figure 2.(a)XRD pattern of Se MW. (b)XRD pattern of MAPbCl3film

    图 3(a) 单根p-Se微米线MSM器件I-V曲线;(b)p-Se微米线与n-MAPbCl3异质结器件的I-V曲线

    Figure 3.(a)I-V characteristics of MSM device based on single p-Se microwire in the dark. (b)I-V characteristics of p-n heterojunction based on Se MW and n-MAPbCl3in the dark

    图 4不同器件在5 V反偏压下的光谱响应曲线(a)及600 nm光照下电流变化曲线(b)

    Figure 4.(a)Spectral response of the devices at 5 V bias and (b)on/off switching upon 600 nm light illumination at 5 V bias

    图 5Se微米线和MAPbCl3异质结能带示意图

    Figure 5.Schematic illustration of energy levels of Se MW/MAPbCl3heterojunction

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