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向磊, 陈纯毅, 姚海峰, 倪小龙, 潘石, 刘中辉, 娄岩. 双向大气湍流光信道瞬时衰落相关特性测量[J]. , 2019, 12(5): 1100-1108. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191205.1100
引用本文: 向磊, 陈纯毅, 姚海峰, 倪小龙, 潘石, 刘中辉, 娄岩. 双向大气湍流光信道瞬时衰落相关特性测量[J]. , 2019, 12(5): 1100-1108.doi:10.3788/CO.20191205.1100
XIANG Lei, CHEN Chun-yi, YAO Hai-feng, NI Xiao-long, PAN Shi, LIU Zhong-hui, LOU Yan. Measurement of instantaneous-fading correlation in bidirectional optical channels through atmospheric turbulence[J]. Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(5): 1100-1108. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191205.1100
Citation: XIANG Lei, CHEN Chun-yi, YAO Hai-feng, NI Xiao-long, PAN Shi, LIU Zhong-hui, LOU Yan. Measurement of instantaneous-fading correlation in bidirectional optical channels through atmospheric turbulence[J].Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(5): 1100-1108.doi:10.3788/CO.20191205.1100









    向磊(1996-), 男, 湖南衡阳人, 硕士研究生, 2017年于长春理工大学理学院获得学士学位, 主要从事空间 通信应用。E-mail:928663676@qq.com.cn

    陈纯毅(1981-), 男, 重庆人, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事光传输建模与仿真等方面的研究。E-mail:chenchunyi@hotmail.com.cn

  • 中图分类号:TN929.12

Measurement of instantaneous-fading correlation in bidirectional optical channels through atmospheric turbulence


the National Natural Science Foundation of China61775022

the National Natural Science Foundation of China61475025

the Science and Technology Development Program of Jilin Province of China20170521001HJ

the Science and Technology Development Program of Jilin Province of China20180519012JH

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation2017M621179

More Information
  • 摘要:为证明双向光传输系统中大气湍流信道的互易性,提出一种测量瞬时接收信号衰落相关性的方法,并建立了分析测量数据的数学模型。在相距883 m的两栋高楼之间进行双向光传输测量实验,根据测得的光斑图像数据,对信道的瞬时衰落相关性进行验证,并分析了实际场景下归一化接收信号起伏方差对相关系数的影响。结果表明:两个相反方向的光信道瞬时衰落相关系数大部分均在0.85以上,最高可达0.95,证明了双向大气湍流光信道之间存在良好的互易性;且随着归一化接收信号起伏方差的增大,相关系数呈轻微下降的趋势。

  • 图 1双向光瞬时衰落特性相关测量原理图

    Figure 1.Schematic diagram of correlation measurement of bidirectional optical instantaneous fading

    图 2双向大气湍流光信道瞬时衰落特性相关测量系统图

    Figure 2.Measurement system diagram for instantaneous fading characteristic of bidirectional atmospheric turbulent optical channel

    图 3(a)、(b)和(c)分别为根据不同时间段的测量数据作图。从左至右依次为归一化接收信号随时间变化图、A端归一化接收信号频数分布直方图、B端归一化接收信号频数分布直方图,其中红色代表A端测量数据,绿色代表B端测量数据

    Figure 3.(a), (b), and (c) are plotted according to measurement data at different time. From left to right, the normalized received signal changes with time, the normalized received signal frequency distribution histogram ofA-end, and the normalized received signal frequency distribution histogram ofB-end, where the red represents measurement data atA-end, and green represents the measurement data atB-end

    图 4相关系数频数分布直方图

    Figure 4.Correlation coefficient frequency distribution histogram

    图 5信号瞬时衰落相关系数随归一化接收信号起伏方差的变化趋势图

    Figure 5.Change of correlation coefficient of signal instantaneous fading with normalized received signal fluctuation variance

    图 6绝对误差和相对误差随归一化接收信号起伏方差的变化趋势图

    Figure 6.Change of absolute error and relative error with normalized received signal fluctuation variance

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