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郑云达, 黄玮, 潘云, 徐明飞, 贾树强, 张晓菲, 卢勇男. 简单光学系统的宽光谱点扩散函数估计[J]. , 2019, 12(6): 1418-1430. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191206.1418
引用本文: 郑云达, 黄玮, 潘云, 徐明飞, 贾树强, 张晓菲, 卢勇男. 简单光学系统的宽光谱点扩散函数估计[J]. , 2019, 12(6): 1418-1430.doi:10.3788/CO.20191206.1418
ZHENG Yun-da, HUANG Wei, PAN Yun, XU Ming-fei, JIA Shu-qiang, ZHANG Xiao-fei, LU Yong-nan. Wide-spectrum PSF estimation for simple optical system[J]. Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(6): 1418-1430. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191206.1418
Citation: ZHENG Yun-da, HUANG Wei, PAN Yun, XU Ming-fei, JIA Shu-qiang, ZHANG Xiao-fei, LU Yong-nan. Wide-spectrum PSF estimation for simple optical system[J].Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(6): 1418-1430.doi:10.3788/CO.20191206.1418




  • 中图分类号:TP394.1;TH691.9

Wide-spectrum PSF estimation for simple optical system


the State Key Laboratory of Applied Optics

More Information
    Author Bio:

    ZHENG Yunda (1992—), Ph.D., male, from Yanbian, Jilin, obtained a bachelor's degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2014, he is mainly engaged in research in image restoration and optical design.E-mail:yundazheng@foxmail.com

    HUANG Wei (1965—), researcher and doctoral tutor, male, from Jilin Changchun, he is mainly engaged in the research of optical systems design.E-mail:huangw@ciomp.ac.cn

    Corresponding author:HUANG Wei, E-mail:huangw@ciomp.ac.cn
  • 摘要:为了准确获取简单光学系统的点扩散函数(PSF),提升图像复原质量,本文提出了一种基于PSF测量的宽光谱PSF估计方法。首先,测量了光学系统的窄带PSF,并结合图像匹配算法,标定了实际光学系统中的探测器位置和光轴中心偏移。然后,模拟实际光学系统各波长、各视场的PSF,再结合目标反射光谱和探测器光谱敏感信息计算实际目标的宽光谱PSF。实验结果表明:本文提出的PSF估计方法明显优于窄带PSF估计和盲估计方法,复原图片质量和稳定性均有明显提升,能够准确估计实际光学成像系统的PSF。

  • 图 1本文提出的宽光谱PSF估计的流程图

    Figure 1.Flow chart of the proposed wide-spectrum PSF estimation

    图 2窄带PSF测量的实验装置示意图

    Figure 2.Schematic diagram of experimental step for narrow-band PSF measurement

    图 3自制简单相机结构图

    Figure 3.Configuration of the self-designed simple camera

    图 4自制简单相机的实物图

    Figure 4.Prototype of self-designed simple camera

    图 5探测器位置匹配曲线

    Figure 5.Sensor-position matching curve

    图 6测量PSF与匹配的模拟PSF对比

    Figure 6.Comparison of measured PSFs and matching simulated PSFs

    图 7目标板反射光谱

    Figure 7.Reflectance spectrum of target board

    图 8实际成像系统空间变化的宽光谱PSF

    Figure 8.Spatially varying wide-spectrum PSF of the real imaging system

    图 9“卫星”图像[18]复原结果对比。(a)模糊图;(b)Krishnan盲估PSF复原结果;(c)单波长PSF复原结果;(d)本文估计PSF的复原结果

    Figure 9.Comparison of restored results for "satellite" image[18]. (a)Blurred image, (b)restored results of Krishnan′s blind-estimated PSF, (c)restored results of single-wavelength PSF and (d)restored results of proposed method

    图 10“标靶”图像复原结果对比。(a)模糊图;(b)Krishnan盲估PSF复原结果;(c)单波长PSF复原结果;(d)本文估计PSF的复原结果

    Figure 10.Comparison of restored results for target image. (a)Blurred image, (b)restored results of Krishnan′s blind-estimated PSF, (c)restored results of single-wavelength PSF and (d)restored results of proposed method

    表 1自制简单相机的镜头参数

    Table 1.Lens parameters of the self-designed simple camera

    Surface Radius Thickness Glass
    Object Infinity Infinity
    1 31.84 4.00 HK9L_CDGM
    2 125.56 5.80
    stop Infinity 5.80
    4 21.29 3.50 HK9L_CDGM
    5 109.53 25.42
    Image Infinity 0
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    表 2图像灰度平均梯度对比

    Table 2.Comparison of image grayscale mean gradients

    Satellite Target
    Blurred image 0.002 4 0.003 1
    Krishnanet al. 0.006 9 0.008 5
    Using 532 nm PSF 0.108 0 0.013 1
    Ours 0.109 0 0.014 1
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