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赵云, 吕金光, 秦余欣, 陶金, 梁中翥, 王维彪, 尼启良, 孟德佳, 梁静秋. 微型傅立叶变换光谱仪的优化设计与实验研究[J]. , 2020, 13(2): 411-425. doi: 10.3788/CO.20201302.0411
引用本文: 赵云, 吕金光, 秦余欣, 陶金, 梁中翥, 王维彪, 尼启良, 孟德佳, 梁静秋. 微型傅立叶变换光谱仪的优化设计与实验研究[J]. , 2020, 13(2): 411-425.doi:10.3788/CO.20201302.0411
ZHAO Yun, LV Jin-guang, QIN Yu-xin, TAO Jin, LIANG Zhong-zhu, WANG Wei-biao, NI Qi-liang, MENG De-jia, LIANG Jing-qiu. Optimization design and experimental study of micro-Fourier transform spectrometer[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(2): 411-425. doi: 10.3788/CO.20201302.0411
Citation: ZHAO Yun, LV Jin-guang, QIN Yu-xin, TAO Jin, LIANG Zhong-zhu, WANG Wei-biao, NI Qi-liang, MENG De-jia, LIANG Jing-qiu. Optimization design and experimental study of micro-Fourier transform spectrometer[J].Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(2): 411-425.doi:10.3788/CO.20201302.0411






  • 中图分类号:0436

Optimization design and experimental study of micro-Fourier transform spectrometer

Funds:National Natural Science Foundation(No.61627819, No.61575193, No.61805239, No.61727818, No.61735018);Jilin Province Science and Technology Development Plan(No.20190303063SF, No.20180201024GX, No.20150520101JH, No.20170204077GX, No.20190101012JH, No.20160204064GX); Jilin Province Young and Middle-aged Science and Technology Innovation Leaders and Team Project(No.20190101012JH); National Fund for Applied Optics Open Fund
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    Author Bio:

    ZHAO Yun(1993—), male, born in Zibo City, Shandong Province.Master degree.In 2016, he obtained the bachelor's degree from Hefei University of Technology.Since 2016, he has been studying for the master degree in the CAS Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, where he is mainly engaged in the research of optical design.E-mail:1002803876@qq.com

    LV Jin-guang(1984—), male, born in Jiaohe City, Jilin Province.Ph.D.and associate researcher.Mainly engaged in the research of micro optical systems design and optical information processing.E-mail:jinguanglv@163.com

    LIANG Jing-qiu(1962—), female, born in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. Doctoral supervisor. Mainly engaged in the research of micro optical systems, micro-optical electromechanical systems (MOEMS) and microstructure optics. E-mail:liangjq@ciomp.ac.cn

    Corresponding author:LV Jin-guang, E-mail:jinguanglv@163.com;LIANG Jing-qiu, E-mail:liangjq@ciomp.ac.cn
  • 摘要:为了实现傅立叶变换光谱仪的微型化与轻量化,设计了轻型栅条分束器结构,代替传统的平行平板分束器,分析了轻型栅条分束器的栅棱对光谱复原的影响,提出了制作误差容限。对微型傅立叶变换光谱仪进行了建模仿真,得到了轻型栅条分束器的最佳结构。通过系统仿真进行光谱反演,得到了复原光谱,并计算了轻型栅条分束器引入的光谱误差。完成了原理样机的搭建与调试,得到了实际系统的复原光谱,证明了微型化系统的可行性。该微型化系统相对于传统傅立叶变换光谱仪,具有体积小,稳定性好的优点,可用于在线监测。

  • 图 1微型FTIRS工作原理图

    Figure 1.Schematic diagram of working prinaple for micro-FTIRS

    图 2(a) 10周期轻型栅条分束器及其(b)局部放大图

    Figure 2.(a) 10-period grid beam splitter and (b) its partial enlargement.

    图 3单个分束窗的剖面示意图

    Figure 3.Profile of a single beam splitter window

    图 4分束窗厚度误差与SCE的关系曲线图

    Figure 4.Relational graph between the thickness error of splitter window and the SCE

    图 5系统建模图

    Figure 5.System modeling diagram

    图 6(a) 采用理想分束器和(b)采用轻型栅条分束器得到的FTIRS光线追迹图

    Figure 6.FTIRS ray tracing with (a) ideal beam splitter and with (b) light-weight grid beam splitter

    图 7探测器光通量与多级微反射镜位置关系图

    Figure 7.Relationship between the detector flux and the position of multistage micro-mirror

    图 8系统仿真结果。(a)理想干涉图像;(b)带有栅条分束器的干涉图像;(c)理想干涉图采样序列;(d)带有栅条分束器的干涉采样序列;(e)理想复原光谱;(f)带有栅条分束器的复原光谱

    Figure 8.System simulation results. (a) Ideal interferogram image; (b) interferogram image with beam splitter; (c)ideal interferogram sampling sequence; (d)interferogram sampling sequence with beam splitter; (e)ideal recovered spectrum; (f) recovered spectrum with beam splitter

    图 9硅基腐蚀轻型栅条分束器的制作流程

    Figure 9.Fabrication process of silicon-based etched grid beam splitter

    图 10栅条分束器实物图。(a)10周期栅条分束器;(b)20周期栅条分束器;(c)显微镜图

    Figure 10.Prototype of grid beam splitter; (a)10-period grid beam splitter; (b) 20-period grid beam splitter; (c) microscopic topography

    图 1110周期轻型栅条分束器腐蚀深度测试结果

    Figure 11.Etching depth test result of 10-period grid beam splitter

    图 1220周期轻型栅条分束器腐蚀深度测试结果

    Figure 12.Etching depth test result of 20-period grid beam splitter

    图 13实验原型机图片

    Figure 13.Experimental prototype

    图 14(a) 10周期栅条分束器干涉条纹图;(b)20周期栅条分束器干涉条纹图;(c)10周期栅条分束器干涉采样图;(d)20周期栅条分束器干涉采样图;(e)校正后10周期栅条分束器干涉采样图;(f)校正后20周期栅条分束器干涉采样图

    Figure 14.(a) Interference fringe pattern of 10-period grid beam splitter; (b) interference fringe pattern of 20-period grid beam splitter; (c) interference sampling diagram of 10-period grid beam splitter; (d) interference sampling diagram of 20-period grid beam splitter; (e) interference sampling diagram of 10-period grid beam splitter after correction; (f) interference sampling diagram of 20-period grid beam splitter after correction

    图 15理想光谱与2种栅条分束器的复原光谱图

    Figure 15.Ideal spectrum and restored spectra of lo-period and 20-period grid beam splitters

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