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古新安, 朱韦臻, 罗志伟, ANDREEV Y M, LANSKII G V, SHAIDUKO A V, IZAAK T I, SVETLICHNYI V A, VAYTULEVICH E A, ZUEV V V. 掺碲硒化镓晶体的光学性能[J]. , 2011, 4(6): 660-666.
引用本文: 古新安, 朱韦臻, 罗志伟, ANDREEV Y M, LANSKII G V, SHAIDUKO A V, IZAAK T I, SVETLICHNYI V A, VAYTULEVICH E A, ZUEV V V. 掺碲硒化镓晶体的光学性能[J]. , 2011, 4(6): 660-666.
KU Shin-an, CHU Wei-chen, LUO Chih-wei, ANDREEV Y M, LANSKII G V, SHAIDUKO A V, IZAAK T I, SVETLICHNYI V A, VAYTULEVICH E A, ZUEV V V. Optical properties of Te-doped GaSe crystal[J]. Chinese Optics, 2011, 4(6): 660-666.
Citation: KU Shin-an, CHU Wei-chen, LUO Chih-wei, ANDREEV Y M, LANSKII G V, SHAIDUKO A V, IZAAK T I, SVETLICHNYI V A, VAYTULEVICH E A, ZUEV V V. Optical properties of Te-doped GaSe crystal[J].Chinese Optics, 2011, 4(6): 660-666.



supported by RFBR Project(No.10-02-01452-a), Presidium SB RAS under the Project VII.63.3.1 of VII.63.3 Prog. and Join Proj. between Presidium SB RAS and Presidium NAS, Belarus No.10 of 2010.

  • 中图分类号:O734; TN304.2

Optical properties of Te-doped GaSe crystal


supported by RFBR Project(No.10-02-01452-a), Presidium SB RAS under the Project VII.63.3.1 of VII.63.3 Prog. and Join Proj. between Presidium SB RAS and Presidium NAS, Belarus No.10 of 2010.

More Information
    Author Bio:

    KU Shin-an(1985-), Post-graduate student, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, China. His research interests include nonlinear optics and THz spectroscopy. E-mail:ksa7471@hotmail.com CHU Wei-chen(1989-), Master Student, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, China. Her research interests include nonlinear optics and THz spectroscopy. E-mail:s.daffodil@hotmail.com

    KU Shin-an(1985-), Post-graduate student, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, China. His research interests include nonlinear optics and THz spectroscopy. E-mail:ksa7471@hotmail.com CHU Wei-chen(1989-), Master Student, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, China. Her research interests include nonlinear optics and THz spectroscopy. E-mail:s.daffodil@hotmail.com

  • 摘要:采用水平区熔法生长了碲(Te)掺杂浓度(质量百分比)分别为0.05%,0.1%,0.5%,1%,2%的硒化镓(GaSe)晶体,并分别对掺杂浓度为0.01%,0.07%,0.38%,0.67%,2.07%的GaSe∶Te晶体的光学性能进行了表征。首次研究了GaSe∶Te晶体中刚性层声子模式的转换。吸收光谱测试结果表明:当Te掺杂浓度小于0.38%时,振动中心位于0.59 THz附近的E'(2)刚性模式吸收峰强度可达最大值,这一过程与GaSe∶Te晶体光学性能的提高密切相关。但Te掺杂浓度的进一步提高会导致E'(2)刚性模式吸收峰强度逐渐减弱,当Te掺杂浓度为1%时,E'(2)刚性模式吸收峰基本消失。这两个过程与GaSe∶Te晶体光学质量的下降密切相关。因此,E'(2)刚性模式吸收强度达到最高时对应的掺杂浓度即是GaSe∶Te晶体中Te的最佳掺杂浓度,光整流产生太赫兹过程证实了此结论的正确性。

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