Volume 14Issue 4
Jul. 2021
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LIN Ruo-yu, WU Yi-fan, FU Bo-yan, WANG Shu-ming, WANG Zhen-lin, ZHU Shi-ning. Application of chromatic aberration control of metalens[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(4): 764-781. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0096
Citation: LIN Ruo-yu, WU Yi-fan, FU Bo-yan, WANG Shu-ming, WANG Zhen-lin, ZHU Shi-ning. Application of chromatic aberration control of metalens[J].Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(4): 764-781.doi:10.37188/CO.2021-0096

Application of chromatic aberration control of metalens

Funds:Supported by National Program on Key Basic Research Project of China (No. 2017YFA0303700); National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11621091, No. 11822406, No. 11774164, No. 11834007, No. 11774162)
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  • Metasurface consists of the arrangement of the specially designed subwavelength nano units, which is the two-dimensional counterpart of metamaterial. Metasurface can modulate the electromagnetic field on a microscopic scale to allow the arbitrary wavefront manipulation. At present, it has been used to flexibly control various optical parameters such as phase, polarization, and amplitude. Among all of the applications based on metasurfaces, metalens is no doubt one of the most important and basic research interset. Because its thickness is on the order of wavelength, compared with traditional optical lenses, it can significantly increase the integration of optical devices and reduce the systematic complexity. However, the chromatic aberration caused by the inherent dispersion of the material of the unit structure and the diffraction effect of the structural geometry will severely influence the imaging quality of the metalens, and hence isolating us from a rich variety of advanced applications. Herein, we firstly discuss the principle of controlling chromatic aberration with metalens. Then we review several important imaging applications, including discrete wavelength achromatic, broadband focus imaging, light field imaging and other important imaging systems. Finally, this article makes some prospects for the incoming development direction and potential applications of metalens.

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