Volume 12Issue 2
Apr. 2019
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YAN Chun-sheng. Research and development on Kramers-Kronig relationship[J]. Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(2): 179-198. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191202.0179
Citation: YAN Chun-sheng. Research and development on Kramers-Kronig relationship[J].Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(2): 179-198.doi:10.3788/CO.20191202.0179

Research and development on Kramers-Kronig relationship


National Natural Science Foundation of China11621101

National Natural Science Foundation of China91233208

Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities from the Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province2017FZA5001

More Information
  • Corresponding author:YAN Chun-sheng: E-mail:yancs@zju.edu.cn
  • Received Date:11 Jun 2018
  • Rev Recd Date:13 Jul 2018
  • Publish Date:01 Apr 2019
  • The Kramers-Kronig(KK for short) relationship is a special case of Hilbert transformation, which describes the mathematical connection of square integrable function with causality between its real and imaginary parts. In this paper, the history, mathematics and physics essence of KK relationship are introduced. Its concrete form, meaning and application in electricity, magnetics, acoustics, optics, artificial medium and optical communication are presented, including its reflection and transmission functions, electric susceptibility, dielectric constant, refractive index, electrical conductivity, electrical impedance, magnetic permeability, atomic scattering factor, adiabatic compression coefficient, acoustic refractive index, single band time domain signal, space stealth medium and various nonlinear media and so on. The influence of truncation error on the calculation results of KK integral in practical applications is analyzed. Various integral limit extrapolation methods and various subtractive KK relationships based on anchor point are summarized, including single, multiple subtractive and differential multiple subtractive KK relationships.

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    通讯作者:陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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